Week 4 : Fundamental of Islam & Development

Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone !

Welcome back to my blog! I am grateful for the time you have invested in reading my blog post 😊

    For the fourth week in our UNGS 1201 class, Dr. Suhaimi have share about the fundamentals of Islam and development. Fundamental of Islam and development is about the dynamics of triple helix relationship with are relationship with Allah, relationship with human beings, and relationship with the environment.

During the entire class time, I cant help but being grateful for born as a muslim, to get to know Islam is the biggest blessing from Allah. Alhamdulillah (smiling face with tear huhu)

I have learned, besides the pleasures and rewards of the world hereafter, the other major role that religion performs is of teaching moral principles to a person. Moreover, these moral principles are not just to be read or understood, rather they need to be put to practice in this world so that we as Muslims represent our religion in the best manner and on the basis of the life we live.

Islam is the complete code of life and it gives details and mentions about each and every aspect of life. Therefore, by following the instructions of Islam one can live the worldly life in the best manner. Islam encourages its followers to live this worldly life in the best manner and is against abstinence.

 This week, I want to share about the key principles of success that can be implemented in life to live it in the Islamic way whilst being well in the world.

1.       Believe In God:

The first and foremost important thing that can help a believer live the life in an Islamic way and achieve success through it is believing in God. When the belief of a Muslim increases in Allah Almighty and he or she realizes the fact that Allah Almighty is the sole provider, He is the Supreme and everything comes from Him, then the belief of the believer becomes strong and out of this belief whatever activity he or she undertakes it comes with conviction, and when something is done with conviction, the chances of success increase naturally. (yeah!)  

2.       Steadfastness:

The other major Islamic life element that can help a person achieve success is steadfastness. When a person is steadfast in the times of difficulty, or does work with steadfastness in normal circumstances as well, the ultimate result is success in every activity. Allah Almighty instructs the same to Muslims as well in Quran in the following way:

you may be successful “You who believe, be steadfast, more steadfast than others; be ready; always be mindful of God so that you may prosper.” (3:200)

Thus, if a Muslim wishes to achieve success, he or she needs to be steadfast in whatever activity they undertake and whatever kind of work they do on daily basis.

3.       Strive For Good:

Another Islamic principle basing the life upon which guarantees success in this world as well as in the world hereafter is the striving for goodness. Being a Muslim it is the primary duty to be good and strive for spreading goodness. When there is goodness all around, the ultimate result is success for all.

Therefore, if one wishes to walk in the way of good and receive guidance from Allah Almighty then it is imperative to strive and that too in the way of goodness for greater guidance and consequent reward.

Striving for good also needs to be applied to our environment, because saving our planet starts with YOU !!!

Here 3 simple choices that I always applied for a healthier of our planet ! :

·       Reduce, reuse & recycle

·       Volunteer (volunteer for cleanups in our community)

·       Plant a tree

·       Shop wisely

    In a nutshell, Islam is the complete code of life. If a Muslim wishes to achieve success in this world and in the world hereafter, then the best solution available for such a person is to incorporate the principles of Islam in life and climb up the ladder of success.

That's all from me for now, Thank you !

~~ pssstss come closer, Here the fact I want to share, as muslim we have to never give up hope on these two things :
The mercy of Allah
The power of Du’a (winks winks)!


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