Week 6 : Have you found your "SEJAHTERA" ?

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone !

Welcome back to my blog! I am grateful for the time you have invested in reading my blog post 😊

    As for this week, it is actually quite a challenging week for me, I feel anxious, disorganized and  feel quite overwhelming like there is far too much to do . Everything seems not okay! But after today's lesson of UNGS , I know I have to cope with those feelings and get myself back on track! University can be an exciting time, packed full of new experiences, friends and opportunities. It can also be long, challenging and stressful, particularly when things don’t go to plan or meet your expectations. I‘ve seen both sides.

 But who has an easy or problem free life? I figured out the answer to this question for myself by focusing on solutions to the hard part and enjoying the brighter side of this life by spending time with friends, teacher. I began to live that life as a Learner who is keen, curious and thankful for the opportunity to learn new things and grow with hardships of life. (okay okay enough with this dramatic intro of my student’s life zzz)

‘Have you found your sejahtera ?’ for me, is actually the same meaning as ‘have you found your happiness?’

It is because everything will be sejahtera, if we choose to be happy. Isn’t it?

The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human goal, the need to be more inclusive, equitable and balanced in promoting "sustainable development, poverty eradication, happiness and the well-being of all peoples”. Which means the real meaning of sejahtera is when we can translate sejahtera into happiness, wellbeing and prosperity.

(five secrets of living a happier life)

    Therefore, this also reminds me so much on IIUM sejahtera week in conjunction with international day of happiness. See? Sejahtera and happiness are really inseparable! IIUM plays up the importance of happiness and comprehensive wellbeing, by commencing the celebration of Sejahtera — IIUM Sejahtera Week from 18 March to 25 March 2021.

During the whole week of IIUM sejahtera , I have joined one of the contests “happiness photo contests” in which we have to share our happy moments with our friends. And this is what I share : 

caption :😊Found HAPPINESS in them.

Coping with this Covid19 pandemic and lockdown life in IIUM have been anxious & lonely sometimes. Luckily, I have them here with me in all the transitions and all the raugh patches.With them i realize that friendship could enrich your life in profoundly meaningful ways . 

“They make us burst into laughter when we were down in the dumps, they’re there to slap us on the back when we have good news  and they play a starring role in some of our most precious memories.” ☺️💓

#IIUMSejahteraPhotoContest #Happiness2share

    In conclusion, I hope everyone finds his or her state of sejahtera, with this in mind, I wish everyone a great sejahtera life !

That's all from me for now, thank you.

here the fact for this week : If "money can't buy me love", as The Beatles said, more so for sejahtera!


  1. Such a beautiful friendship ❣️

  2. very insightful. sending love to people that struggles in this crazy time!💕

  3. Great to hear you are coping well there. Small happiness can be anything, make sure we have that happiness even with the smallest thing. Hehe. Great job!

  4. Sometimes people don't realize that there is so much things —big or small, that we can find happiness in.

  5. I found my 'sejahtera' when you want to do something, just start doing it, even with a small actions. It tooks me from 5mins work, then i actually finished it, the assignments. Well, goodluck for you! And keep updating your blog!

  6. Good sharing Niza. Keep it up.


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