Week 7 : Roles of institutions of SDG

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone !

Welcome back to my blog! I am grateful for the time you have invested in reading my blog post 😊

    As we know from the first week of studying this UNGS subject, The United Nations has ratified the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It sounds surprisingly simple and an obvious no-brainer that everybody should support. Unfortunately, some policy experts are already saying that we run the risk of not achieving them (hm bummed out).

But others are saying we can! (go go go!) as long as we commit and invest in achieving them. So no matter what institutions you are, where you are, what you do, or what you have, we have to stand together to achieve these sustainable development goals and build a better world.  

    You all must have heard of this phrase before: “United we stand, divided we fall”. People can easily break you, crush you and disregard you if you are alone, but when you stand together, nobody can touch you.

Here are some simple things we can do to help the world achieve sustainable goals – one free of poverty, income inequalities, and injustices. :

· Educate Your Friends, Colleagues, and Families on the Global Goals

Just talk about the goals. Share with friends, family members, your office, and your social networks so they can gain knowledge and give awareness to them at the same time. Consider hosting a lunch at your school or office where you can show the video and discuss what these videos mean. Knowing about them is the start of the movement

· Give Your Time and Skills

One of the biggest barriers to global progress is a lack of access to skills. Meaning that organizations capable of helping us achieve the goals are stymied because they don’t have the right skills… they need accountants to manage money, marketers to help them tell their stories, engineers to improve their projects, videographers to help them document their work, and data/ analytics gurus to help them measure their impact and improve. No matter your skills, there are ways you can go “Experteering” them to help social impact organizations build a better world.

· Get Informed About the Global Goals

Learning about the Sustainable Development Goals is pretty simple because  “hendak, seribu daya, tak hendak, seribu dalih”

    In conclusion, Let us Maju together and make a just, fair, equitable and progressive Malaysia a reality with sustainable life.

That's all from me for now, thank you.

Oh no! for this week I don’t have any facts to share. Instead I want to share this saying that is always ringing in my mind lately, Mother Teresa once said, “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”


  1. Everyone should take part in taking part in GLobal Goals. The very first step can be get informed of it. Great work! keep it up!

  2. Honestly, this is not new. People should already be aware of the responsibility they have to take care of the environment as a whole by now. Even so, it is still a long journey.

  3. I love the words from Mother Theresa. Thank you! And great job for this week!

  4. I agree with you. Good Sharing 👍


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