Week 8 : Roles of University for sustainable development

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone !

Welcome back to my blog! I am grateful for the time you have invested in reading my blog post 😊

    Week 8, make me realize how my university IIUM explains the ways in which the SDGs will provide a new strategy to apply the concept of Islamisation, which has long been the foundation of the IIUM. Consequently, the university’s operations and facilities have been adjusted so that they become mediums in applying and showcasing a lifestyle that is sustainable.

    Everything in the university i.e. the curricular and extracurricular courses, the research activities, and everyday operations in administrative offices and other places are geared towards sustainable development in line with the maqāṣid al-sharῑ‘ah. Elements of sustainability are integrated in every aspect of the university’s administration and, indeed, in teaching, research and community engagement. Consequently, the IIUM has adopted “Humanising Higher Education through maqāṣid al-sharῑ‘ah and SDGs'' as its official strategic mission.

Now let me share a little bit of my experience as a first-year student in IIUM!

    My university experiences thus far have been amazing. I have learned and experienced so many new things, especially the sustainability in such a short period of time, and it has gone by so fast. I am still discovering all the opportunities that university offers me. IIUM is a very welcoming place, and from the first day, I felt at home here. I have made many new friends from many different backgrounds. There are Arabian and Indonesian students on my floor in residence and that has allowed me an insight into their cultures. The most exciting part of being here, I have been surrounded by many cutie little pie cats!! They are such a pain killer whenever this life feels overwhelmed, under so much stress and anxious.

    My classes are great and I enjoy every one of them, even just online classes, especially this subject, sustainable development (hehe no offense ok!). The depth and detail of what we are learning is far beyond my high school experience. It is just amazing to think that even the small good act here can have such a huge impact. Sometimes it can feel like the kindnesses that really matter are the big things. But, instead, think small. You know like throwing a plastic bottle or litter to the dustbin that you found on the road or even the encouraging word you give to a colleague when you know they’re having a bad day can mean more than you might think. That is probably the best part of university. It introduces so many new concepts that change our view of the world.

    Time has been flying by and it’s hard to believe that I have been on campus for seven months already. Life at IIUM is a great experience that I plan to make the most out of. 

That's all from now, Thank you !

Here the fact for this week: The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) has made history as the first university in the country to receive an International Green Gown Award for the 2020 Best Sustainable Institution category. (proud iium's student here!)


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