Week 9 : Challenges to sustainable development

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone !

Welcome back to my blog! I am grateful for the time you have invested in reading my blog post 😊

For this week, we have discussed about challenges to sustainable development. As we know, the major challenges is how to create awareness among all of us, the human. All human activities have a negative impact on the Earth. We consume more resources than the Planet can offer. To meet the increasing demand of raw materials, we damage the ecosystems with intensive and polluting practices. The future of human beings depends on the decisions the society and governments are making now. These decisions are also influenced by the daily choices of every single person.

So in order to tackle the Earth’s problems, all men and women have to commit themselves to protect the world natural heritage. Conscious societies should use technology, innovations and cooperation to change the development trend towards a sustainable growth respectful of the environment.

Next, it is hard to implement sustainable development because of Economic and financial barriers. Economists observed that the dominating development model tends to focus on economic growth as precedence rather than people's rights or welfare, and environmental processes and limits. This requires a shift in the worldview from treating the environment as part of the economy to treating the economy as part of the environment; strategically this means the economy should be adapted to ensure environmental services are maintained.

Lastly, Social barriers also one of the reasons. Population growth, paired with unsustainable consumption and production patterns among the wealthy, are the biggest social challenges to achieving sustainable development in the world. Absent of a significant change in human behavior, sustainability will not be potential. There are other social barriers which are: The marginalization of the poor and entrenched inequities Limited awareness about sustainable development. Environmental issues among both politicians and the wider public fragmented civil society. Inadequate interaction between civil society and government. Insufficient incentives to for the private sector to pursue sustainable development

Thats all from me for now, Thank You!


  1. this is so very true. this issue shouldve been more highlighted and stressed within the community.

  2. Simply superb! Good job Khairun ❤️

  3. Simply superb! Good job Khairun ❤️

  4. This topic need to be raised to the society to be discussed further and raise awareness. As we know, the earth is being destroyed every second by human. It is great choice of topic!

  5. I think it is great that you included this topic.

  6. yes, giving awareness is actually important, and even human beings themselves must be aware of the problems they are doing on this earth!

  7. It is hard to implement sustainable development, but as for me it is not impossible if society have awareness.


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