Week 12: Idea for Desa Sejahtera

 Assalamualaikum w.b.t everyone !

Welcome back to my blog! I am grateful for the time you have invested in reading my blog post 😊

For this week, Tan Sri Rector of IIUM called on IIUM students to give ideas and suggestions for possible solutions to the unsustainability problems found in Desa Sejahtera. 

This is what our group suggests for their more sejahtera life. First and foremost, With the announcement of the Movement Control Order (MCO), it becomes all the more difficult for us to volunteer our time and effort helping those who could really use it. But, of course, that doesn’t make it impossible to still extend a helping hand by donations. 

We can collaborate with NGO like Yosh and Mulhaq. Working withNGO can give organizations access to new tools and resources in order to widen the range of Donations. People living in poverty need opportunities for growth in order to get out of poverty. When you donate money for programs that help the working poor make their way out of poverty like the Desa sejahtera, you are helping to create a population within your community that is stronger. When more people are able to live a better life because they no longer have to struggle every day, our community is going to improve.

Here some of my volunteer experience with Mulhaq (CHARITY RIGHT)

In addition, we will also make an announcement to iium students, if they have anything that they want to donate in terms of preloved items (such as clothes, essential things etc), they can contact us so that we can collect all the donations in any form and deliver it to the needy.

Lastly, we can also just visit them and give moral support to boost their motivation, especially the children and students there. At least, that is what we can do to make their lives a little easier. An act of kindness, any simple gesture can improve someone's day.

That's all from me for now ! Thank you !


  1. What a great idea! Keep it up khairun and team!

  2. Replies
    1. Yup Mulhaq . It is such a great NGO especially for us who seek for more knowledge, new experience and improves our soft skills

  3. I am so interested with your experience. Keep it up niza!!


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